Franconian Beer Message Board

OT: Kölsch & Altbier Background: Top-down Categorisation
Posted by Nick B. on 2015-12-02 01:02:39
I didn't think of this before writing that post either: American beer people seem to view the top categorisation of beer as ale & lager, again based on yeast used. Everything else then comes secondary or below that level. Germans, I THINK, seem to view the strength as the top level of categorisation, i.e. Vollbier, Starkbier, Schankbier. Everything else is then secondary.

Is that right, more or less?
       OT: Kölsch & Altbier Background: Top-down Categorisation by Gerhard Schoolmann on  2015-12-02 01:51:19
         OT: Kölsch & Altbier Background: Top-down Categorisation by Nick B. on  2015-12-02 03:34:26